White River

* White River-Logan Kehn

Size: 58.8 acres

Location: Town of Gingles, Bayfield County

Habitat Types: Mixed hardwoods and jackpine, ¼ mile riparian corridor, river bottom land is shady and wet with balsam fir, white spruce, and to a lesser extent, hemlock and cedar.

Conservation Values: Preserve wildlife and plant habitat, preserve water quality of South Fish Creek and to provide a significant tract of undeveloped land.

Protection: Donated Conservation Easement held by Bayfield Regional Conservancy

Description: The high ridge above the river is wooded with aspen, birch, maple and pine while the river bottom land is shady and wet with hemlock and balsam fir stands. The property includes at least ¼ mile of the White River on both sides. From the ridge at the NE corner of the property you can look south over the White River and see no signs of humans. This is a wild and scenic stretch of the river. The location is a popular put-in for anglers who fish for trout. DNR has tagged sturgeon on this stretch of the river. Wildflowers in bloom on during a site visit May 26 included Spring Beauty, Toothwart, Bishop’s Cap, Large-flowered trillium, and Bellwort. Wildlife include snowshoe hare, red and gray squirrels, deer, coyotes, fishers, fox, weasels, mink, otter, beaver, wolves, bear, wood turtles, bald eagles, grouse, pileated, downy and hairy woodpeckers, and many others.





* White River - Carlson


Size: 27 acres

Location: Town of Kelly, Ashland County

Habitat Types: Riparian corridor, ½ mile river shore line

Conservation Value: Protect the water quality of the river, to provide wildlife and plant habitat and to provide protection of the White River as a natural, wild and scenic area.

Protection: Fee acquisition in partnership with Friends of the White River, Trout Unlimited, WI DNR




Description: The land, which includes about one-half mile of river frontage, will now be held in trust by the Bayfield Regional Conservancy for the public benefit. The property is maintained by the Wild Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited, whose members are familiar with this stretch of river and have volunteered to monitor the use of the property and implement the goals of the management plan. The land is managed in a natural state. Boundaries are marked, signage installed, a primitive campsite/rest area may be designated for anglers and paddlers. No structures, roads or land-altering activities are planned.