Size : 1040 acres

Location: Town of Bayfield, Bayfield County

Habitat Types: mosaic of forest types including old-growth northern mesic forest, interior forest habitat for neotropical migratory birds, dry forest and barrens communities.

Conservation Value: Natural, scenic, recreationsl, State of Wisconsin Land Legacy site

Protection: 480 acres are DNR State Natural Area, 40 acres are now are part of Pikes Creek State Fishery area, 200 acres belong to Ashwabay Outdoor Education Foundation, and 160 acres are Bayfield County Forest land.

Description: The Conservancy initiated this broad protection effort which provides a large non-motorized public trail system. The recreation value of this area sets it as a winter sports destination. A significant block of interior forest is protected. These projects were funded through partnerships with WI DNR, Bayfield County Forestry and funding came from BRC members and donors, Bayfield County, federal appropriations and the State of Wisconsin’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund.

The forest includes large hemlock and sugar maple, some towering 100 feet high, with associated species of yellow birch, basswood, paper birch, and red oak. The understory is composed of ironwood, sugar maple, and balsam fir. Densely packed territories of the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens) indicate the forest contains optimal habitat for this rare species.